... ( ... ) ... I remember
when I was working as Robert Heineken's assistant and printer,
that he had told me about a joke that he had played on a curator, who
was ever so insisting on having a piece of Robert in a show that he was
the curator for, something that Robert was relunctant to give away as
he didn't like the curator. Robert finally gave in but would not give
up the fight so easily, so he concieved a piece on self-developping material,
which was stored in a sealed box that was only supposed to be opened in
full light, at the time of the opening. This sort of self-developping
material gets darker and darker as it processes, exposed to the light,
and this developping only stops when one lays the print into a fixing
bath, something that Robert had ommitted to mention, so eventually at
the end of the opening the picture was pitch black. As I was marvelling
on the joke that Robert had played at the expense of this curator, he
warned me that this joke had actually cost him quite a bit of trouble
afterwards as it had set a terrible reputation amongst gallerie owners.