Philippe De Jonckheere, Untitled, polaroid transfer, Coloma, Michigan, 1994.

On a gorgeous Sunday afternoon, I was staying at Barbara's place in Michigan and both she and I were working in the studio, going back and forth from the patio where we had set our ground cameras to the studio where polaroid transfering was in action. Barbara was shooting 8X10', and I 4X5 inches The light in the woods was getting darker and warmer towards the end of the afternoon when Barbara called for us to pack our stuff. I was arguing that the light was getting to be just right. she noded and reluctanly explained that we had to go back to the city before it was night, as she didn't like to drive at night. I shrugged my shoulders and said: well I can drive, I don't mind driving at night. Barbara became a different person all of the sudden, she went back to the studio, took out of the cabinet two new packs of polaroid films. This is great she said, you drive. An hungry bear which would not have had anything to eat for a week would not have looked more eager than Barbara.

Next lesson.



At Barbara's place in Michigan