John Cage as a
musical companion.
At different places on
the site, you will be invited to listen to music by John Cage, as
an accompaniment to your visit. This will be done through a new window
opening that will depict a CD case (see below).

When this new window appears,
simply click on it. That will make a small window appear in the top
right corner of your screen (see below). The piece that you are about
to hear is randomly chosen from five pieces by John Cage. These pieces
illustrate of some of the concepts in Barbara Crane's work, as, for
example, the role of chance. Also, the selections are designed so
as not to disrupt your visit to the site.

Once you have clicked on
the CD case, the music should start by itself. It may take a few second
to begin. On some internet browsers, the music will have to be started
by you by clicking on the "play" button. Once the music
starts, you may reduce (not close) this window, which will make it
disappear without altering the music. Also, you should probably reduce
the window that depicts the CD case, and then carry on with your visit.

Please note that your internet
browser might not be equiped with the proper sound reader, in which
case it is very simple to go to the Quicktime
website and download the necessary program extension.
Follow their instructions. It is actually quite simple.
to the Webmastering explained
to the random explained.