How does it work,
a word from your webmaster
On this page, I the webmaster
explain how the site was designed and what particular features of
Barbara Cranes work have been made public either in exhibitions
or publications. To illustrate this text I offer some examples. I
am going to explain how these illustrations work.

The image at the top of
this new window is active and links to my personal site, choosing
from it a page with an image with a similar subject matter: punch
cards. You might see this as a signature or a private joke.
a more comprehensive visit to my site (warning this site is in french
only, but there are a lot of images)

Another example is given
from the Petites Choses series on how a sequence of repeated
images is often used in the site to navigate and reach different images
from the same series. To click on the different parts of the sequence
will actually make different images from the Petites Choses
series appear and disappear.

Just after that, there
is an illustration about how some links will open new windows in a
different size and how these function as tunnels in which you simply
navigate by clicking on the images which will guide you through the
entire series. Clicking on the last image of the sequence or strip
will close down this new window.
Machine Scenes series
is an active link and lets you see, in a new window that will automaticaly
pop up, an image from the Still Lifes: Natures Mortes series.
This illustrates how you can navigate on the site by clicking on the
images. To exit this new window, just click anywhere on your screen.

you are shown how grids, which are an important feature of Barbara
Cranes work, are meant to lead you to a different page randomly
chosen from all the pages of the site. These grids enable you to enter
a new sequence of investigation in your exploration of Barbara Cranes
on this topic

can also, if you wish, accompany your visit of the site by listening
to John Cage's music.
on this topic.

you are given the opportunity to go to the file cabinet to look for
a specific part of the site or for general information.
on this topic
to the Tar Findings and Cosmic Forms explained.